What's more fun than going to beer festivals? Judging beer festivals. The
Beer Judge Certification Program (BJCP) sets standards for beer judges, competition organizers and participants, and creates and edits the style guidelines. From their website:
"The purpose of the Beer Judge Certification Program is to promote beer literacy and the appreciation of real beer, and to recognize beer tasting and evaluation skills."

On April 1, the BJCP updated their examination process, moving to an online Beer Judge Entrance Examination as the starting point for those interested in becoming Apprentice, Recognized, Certified and beyond judges. Basically, you have to pass the Beer Judge Entrance Examination before moving on to the Beer Judging Examination where six different beers are tasted and evaluated. The Beer Judge Entrance examination weeds out those who are unprepared or haven't sufficiently studied and does it in a pretty intense way. It consists of 200 questions in multiple formats (true/false, multiple choice, and multiple choice/multiple answer) covering the complete style guidelines, brewing techniques, history, and information related to beer judging and competitions. You have one unbroken hour to answer all 200 questions. Here are four sample questions they include in the Study Guide so you can get an idea as to how the test is organized content-wise:
True-False Example:
Düsseldorf Altbier typically has a light body and a medium carbonation level.
True False
Multiple-Choice-Single-Answer Example 1:
Which of the following characteristics is inappropriate for Southern English Brown Ale?
Rich, malty Notes of plums Medium Moderate hop Low
sweetness and raisins body aroma carbonation
Multiple-Choice-Single-Answer Example 2:
A Doppelbock typically has:
More caramel More hop More melanoidin More astringency More diacetyl
character than aroma than character than than than
Traditional Bock Traditional Bock Traditional Bock Traditional Bock Traditional Bock
Multiple-Choice-Multiple-Answer Example:
Check all that apply. Acetic acid is perceived as having which of the following characteristics:
-Paper -Sherry -Vinegar -Sour -Vinous
I feel lucky to have passed and earned my "Provisional" judge status. I wish that they provided feedback in connection to your results so that you could review missed answers afterward to see what mistakes were made, but you only get such details if you don't pass.
Beer Judge Entrance Exam Passing Certificate |
The next step is sitting for and passing the Beer Judging Examination. The next exam administration locally is on October 20, 2012, but there are already 70 people (!) on the waiting list. If you don't take the Beer Judging Exam within a year of passing the Entrance Exam you have to retake it. I've got my fingers crossed.